Is your child struggling with emotional, behavioural and social difficulties at home, daycare or at school? Are you concerned your child is: · overwhelmed with fears and worries? · often feeling sad and withdrawing from school or other activities he or she previously enjoyed? · often angry towards themselves or others? · having frequent temper tantrums? · acting out with inappropriate or problem behaviours? As a parent are you: · worried that your child’s emotional and behavioural problems are affecting their learning, friendships and family relationships? · frustrated by your child’s behaviours and emotions? · you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or confused about your child’s problems? Through play therapy and parent counselling you and your child may experience the following benefits: 1. Your child’s problem behaviours reducing or are no longer of concern to you. 2. Your child can learn to safely express his or her feelings and gain relief from specific feelings and memories that continue to trouble them. 3. You will feel supported in expressing your feelings as a parent. 4. You and your child may feel calmer, less stressed and a positive sense of wellbeing.
Traditional counselling may not be suitable for children 3 - 10 years. Younger children may not have the vocabulary or ability to understand and talk about difficult feelings and experiences that worry them. Play is the natural language of your child. Play Therapy provides an opportunity for your child to play out their problems in a safe and nurturing environment of the specially designed playroom with a Play Therapist. A Play Therapist is a child health professional who has specialist skills to provide therapy to children with emotional, social and behavioural difficulties. The Play Therapist provides a safe and accepting place that encourages a child to explore and work in. The therapist reflects the child’s efforts to grow and develop and notes changes that occur. Counselling & Support for Parents & Caregivers Since parents and caregivers are the most important people in a child’s life, I also have a strong desire and understand the need to provide help and support to parents. I will also discuss with parents and caregivers ways you can assist your child linked with the Play Therapy process and ways to better address your child’s and family’s individual needs.
I look forward to working closely and collaboratively with parents to help them feel more confident and satisfied in their relationships with their child.
Counselling For Children & Parents |
Play Therapy is for children, like counselling is for adults. |
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Play Therapy for Children Counselling for Adults & Children |